Office Building Complex


The current office space of the Ghana Tourism Development Company is relatively small and not spacious enough to support the congenial working environment for the requisite staff of the company. As the company looks forward to expanding its business operations, an increase in the number of staff is expected.

Management of the company has therefore decided to pull down the current building and construct a modern office complex benefiting the status of a tourism investment and infrastructure development company and also to get more work space to support its activities. The anticipated twelve (12) story building will not only serve as an office space for GTDC but also rented out as commercial property. Since the company aims at promoting and developing tourism facilities and activities, the building will provide space for some business like an eatery, a shopping center, gym, gallery, hotel, banks, forex bureau, office spaces, etc. Revenue will be generated from renting some of the floors to business entities. The developer is expected to find a temporary office space for GTDC until the project is completed within 24 months.

Business Model

The project will be executed through a Public Private Partnership (PPP) arrangement in the form of a Joint Venture Company (JVC) and Build Operate and Transfer (BOT). The rest include a loan or suppliers’ credits. The project has already attracted interested investors from across continents such as Asia, Europe, America, the Americas and Africa and Ghana in particular.

Current Status

Receiving proposals from interested consultants and financers/developers.

Next Steps

Review designs provided by developers and investors

Identify a suitable location to relocate staff and equipment